Reed, H., Stanton, A., Sood, A., Joshi, P., Rane, M. ‘Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health Amsterdam 2020’ 3: 123-131. 2020 (Vol. 3, Page 123). ISBN: 978-1-8381117-0-0
Sood, A., Reed, H., Stanton, A. presented at the 10th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference ‘Senses & Sensibility – Lost in (G)localization’. ISBN 978-3-030-86595-5
Reed, H., Stanton, A., Sood, A., Knowles, M., Paper, Artefact, Demonstrator accepted at ‘Designing for Children with focus on Play and Learn' conference organised by IDC IIT Bombay. ISBN: 978-81-931260-8-0
Heath Reed, Andrew Stanton, Avika Sood. Paper accepted at the Creating Knowledge Conference 2021, organised by Sheffield Hallam Doctoral School/SHaRD.
Reed, H., Stanton, A., Sood, A., Paper accepted at Festival of Innovation 2021 conference organised by Sheffield Hallam University.
Reed, H., Stanton, A., Sood, A., Paper accepted at the Pink City Design Confluence 2022 organised by Arch College of Design and Business.